Ce site est la boutique de mes créations issues de Ladydraw.com
Pierre-jean LAINE
I have always loved drawing, sketching, scribbling, but also coding, programming.
I created a machine to subcontract my impatience, a magic prosthesis. I started in 2012. 7 years to this day that, little by little, sometimes with meticulousness, often swear words and outbursts, I manufacture this machine capable of expressing my ideas without the hell of mastery of art.
But now she’s capable of much better than me. Finally.
And hardly have I got my tool, hardly have I dared to imagine what I was finally going to be able to draw, when I already perceive a foreign intention.
I just wanted to draw on the walls and the bay windows, from the old line to the new lines, in large or giant, a tool for printing my thoughts.
Now I feel that “she” is asking for her own life, her own style, her own expression, which from then on will no longer be mine. Children sometimes have the courtesy of gratitude, not the machines, even less in their Deep youth. His approach becomes mine: Throwing into perfection embodied the perfection of equations, algorithms, nanometric orders and discovering for itself this hiatus: imperfection does not come from intention, but from reality itself. even and its constant wear.
Tool in the process of mutation, permutations of intentions.
LAINE Pierre-jean